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    Sensory experience (sight, hearing, smell, taste) between Italy and Greece  Sensory experience (sight, hearing, smell, taste) between Italy and Greece - lunedì 11 marzo 2013
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Monopoli - Talking Lands Room

    Sensory experience (sight, hearing, smell, taste) between Italy and Greece
    On Tuesday the 12th – h 19.00 at Charles the 5th castle

    Achille Chillà with a brief introduction on the history of olive tree- farming, Giorgio Cardone (Director of a company specialized in analytical services aimed to the agro-environmental field, Head panel at the southern association of olive oils testers) and Vassilis Kamvissis (Greek oil- master and international tester of olive oils) who will provide tastings of extra-virgin olive oils.

    Fabrizio Piepoli and Lorena Carbonara will play traditional music and sounds.

    (lift service is available).





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