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    “OLIVETOLIVE”, an anthology of poems about the oil and olive tree from Homer so far  “OLIVETOLIVE”, an anthology of poems about the oil and olive tree from Homer so far - giovedì 14 marzo 2013
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Monopoli - Talking Lands Room

    “Olivetolive”, an anthology of poems about the oil and olive tree from Homer so far
    Wednesday, March the 20th- h 19.00-Room of Talking Lands
    A tribute to the olive tree: A book launch of “OLIVETOLIVE” (Effe Fabrizio Fabbri, Perugia, 2011), an anthology of poems about the oil and olive tree from Homer so far. A video with pictures related to the topic of the olive tree within the artistic field with comments by Maria De Mola (art historian).

    A dialogue between the author Ombretta Ciurnelli and Adriano Petromilli, former Headmaster at the High School in liberal Arts Studies in Monopoli.

    Exhibition of iron and stone sculptures made by Giuseppe Palmisani.




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