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    Heraclitus - Bright splinters  Heraclitus - Bright splinters - mercoledì 29 maggio 2013
    Pubblicato da: sante.scarafino
    Categorie: Monopoli - Talking Lands Room

    Thursday 30th  May – H. 8.30 p.m.
    at Chiesa “Santa Maria degli Amalfitani”

    H E R A C L I T U S
    Bright splinters

    Nicholas Isherwood : baritone - bass guitar
    Gianni Lenoci: piano and synthesizer 
    Gianni Mimmo: saxophone - soprano

    Heraclitus’s splinters are certainly made up of a dazzling and mysterious light. They come to us, equipped with big symbols such as: the fire, the river, the arch, the lyre, in a dazzling style due to the power, alluring and so substantial. They disclose a universe made up of darkness and blinding light, concordance and discordance, substance and volatility, whose dynamic and dialectical harmony, dance of the Opposites for connections that Heraclitus catches thanks to the dawn of the consciousness. A perception of the becoming, of its steady renovation that flows up the cosmic spring. This lyrical and conceptual music born around and among the incandescent words, made up of sparks and limpid lines that offer solutions and revolutions, turn tensions into an assertive complexity. An extraordinary occasion in order to mean how bright could be the relation between musicians who share purposes and concentrations playing with many sources, approaches, perspectives, gestures, tri-dialogues and sound-conjugations.

    Born thank to the collaboration between the piano- player Gianni Lenoci and the soprano, saxophone- player Gianni Mimmo in 2009,  “ Reciprocal Uncles” ’ duo participated in many concerts in Italy, U.K., Belgium, Germany, and in the USA, with two different tours in San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz and New York. In 2010 they were invited at “International Society Of Improvised Music” Conference that is been held at California University of Santa Cruz, CA. The CD “Reciprocal Uncles” ( for Amirani records) gains all around the world many positive reviews on magazines and in the web. It is considered “one of the CDs of the year” by “Jazzit”.
     “Reciprocal Uncles” ‘ s extemporization is been defined by the well-known blogger of Freejazzblog , Stef Gjissels as: “…a mutual, perfect relation: sensitive, lyrical and substantial, a mixture that is really rare …” and by  Gordon Marshall,  one of the most esteemed reviewer of “ All About Jazz USA”: “ the dynamism that springs out their works of art are swinging and inventive. Their music offers solutions - and revolutions- turning the tensions into breath-taking intrusions”.
    For this special event, they are pleased to collaborate with the singer Nicholas Isherwood, whose baritone-voice becomes a contemporary icon, thanks to the collaborations with experts the likes of Karlheinz Stockhausen, György Kurtag, Sylvano Bussotti and the interpretation of the greatest composers of the second half of the ‘900. Isherwood is also a composer. His pieces are included in the genres of opera, musical theatre and they have been represented all over the world.
    Planner of the event is the Cultural Association” Donne per la Città - Presidio del libro” of Monopoli .

    Activities aimed to the development and implementation of “ Talking Lands” Room
    are financed within the Programme: INTERREG Greece - Italy 2007-2013
    “Talking Lands: talks between the lands of Apulia and Greece” –Project.




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