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    SVE in Francia dal 19/08/2019 al 12/07/2020  SVE in Francia dal 19/08/2019 al 12/07/2020
    Pubblicato da: g.mancini


    Placement dates
    A total of 47 week(s) during the period 19/08/2019 to 12/07/2020

    Placement location:
    1 rue Hippolyte Lecornué, 72000 Le Mans

    Looking for volunteers from:
    Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta

    Placement topics:
    • Social challenges
    • Citizenship and democratic participation
    • Education and training
    • Creativity and culture
    Placement deadline:
    No application deadline

    Project description:
    Europe is looking forward to your contribution! Help develop the cultural openness of young people and participate in their learning of citizenship and tolerance. Support their curiosity on intercultural aspects and encourage them to discover Europe! Become a volunteer in the training center for teenagers and young people ! This project will involve 6 volunteers from 6 different European countries. Each one of them will volunteer in one of the 6 local training centers for teenagers from the area of Sarthe, France. The local training centers are called: the “Maisons familiales rurales” or MFR. The main missions will be: 1. European cultural openness 2. Educational and pedagogical mission 3. Joint project with the 6 volunteers in the 6 training centers …

    Accommodation, food and transport arrangements:
    The volunteer will be accommodated in Le Mans, with the other 5 volunteers taking part in this project. They will live in a house next to the train station in Le Mans, not far from the city center. Each volunteer will have his own room in this big house, and they’ll all share the common parts. There is a garden, the house is fully furnished, and was renovated last year. Accommodation and transportation fees are under the responsibility of the host organization. Money will be given to the volunteer every month to cover food expenses, as such as pocket money.
    Training during the project
    Volunteers will participate in the arrival and mid-term meetings.

    Volunteer profile:
    Living in the EU, being motivated, between 18 and 30 years old, driving license required, interested in youth work, education, europe and intercultural topics, willing to learn french. The MFR is located on rural area so the volunteer should have a driving license and be ready to drive every working days to reach the training center (up to 1 hour for a one-way trip: train + car). Candidates should be motivated, ready to work in a team, flexible, creative, open-minded, pro-active, dynamic, communicative, and interested in working with teenagers and young people.

    Website: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/13038_en

    Data di pubblicazione articolo: 29 maggio 2019

    Sede: Via Garibaldi, 10
    Tel. 0804140267

    e-mail email
    Orari di apertura al pubblico: lun e mar ore 10.00 - 12.00,
    merc e ven ore 9.00 - 12.00 - gio 9.00 - 11.00

    Info utili

    Centro per l'Impiego
    Sede: Via O. Fiume, 10-12
    Tel.: 0805408239 - 8240 -  8241- 8242 - 8236.
    Orari: dal lunedì al venerdì 8.30 -11.30 / martedì pomeriggio 15.00-16.30
    giovedì pomeriggio chiuso al pubblico
      E-mail  - cpi.monopoli@regione.puglia.it
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